Wednesday, December 15, 2004
tooo bad that kat is going to bc
tooo bad that dora lives in vaughan now.
tooo bad that jo and i live in waterloo.
....i don't even know the point of this. but i wanna hang out with the three of you right NOW. however, we're in the middle of exams. dora is in ottawa.
it's jsut been too long.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Sweet Mercies
It's our confession, Lord,
That we are weak,
So very weak, but you are strong.
And though we've nothing, Lord,
To lay at your feet,
We come to your feet And say, "Help us along."
A broken heart and a contrite spirit
You have yet to deny.
Your heart of mercy
Beats with love's strong current.
Let the river flow,
By your Spirit now, Lord we cry.
Let your mercies fall from heaven,
Sweet mercies flow from heaven.
New mercies for today,
Shower them down, Lord, as we pray.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Saturday, November 27, 2004
yes i do realize two of you live next door....
but things have changed... u guys are still my best friends.... nothing's changed THAT.... but it just seems like... things are different from high school....
i dunno.... almost too much time for thought (as in... there is a lot of time to think... or there's too much thinking) when i talk to ppl here... it's like... i drain my head... when talking to people...
i miss the light conversations we had about nothing, because we COULD... not because we weren't intelligent enough to talk about other things... but because when we talked to one another... it was just comfortable to talk about the light fluffy things... and it was cool.
i just miss you guys....
i feel as i've suddenly floated away on another planet.... so detached...
jasy/kat- i HATE how our schedules don't match- i'm switching to arts :S
dora- become an electrical engineer... that's 8 stream >.<
Thursday, November 11, 2004
so i really need to get over him ... (let's keep "his" name anonymous here just in case) ... i dunno. i think i really read into things too much. every time i'm with him i feel like the most special person ever. but i think he just generally makes people feel really special and like he's paying so much attention to you whenever you're around him. but it's not jsut for ONE person. man. what a lucky girl taht'll be. *sigh* but yeah. i'm just setting myself up to be hurt.... must stop.
anyways i'm really obsessed with the song "This one's For the Girls" by Martina McBride and i thought of you girls. so here's some of the lyrics:
This one's for the girls,
who've ever had a broken heart,
who've wished upon a shooting star,
you're beautiful the way you are,
This one's for the girls,
who loved without holding back,
who dreamed with everything they had,
all around the world,
This one's for the girls.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Saturday, October 23, 2004
talked to anastasia tonite and apparently there is some sort of dance after commencement? like an arranged one... ? i dunno... why dont;' think give us any information!?!? grrr hey know what i'm excited about ?? the yearbook supplement!
so next fri dor, when you get up here, get someone to drop you off here and then we're gonna prolly go to value village? .. jo-- can you get the car? i just figured out that we have too many ppl ...i.e. dev, marilyn, and emzhei are all apparently coming and then me you and dora.. sorry kat i think you have class?.. that's six ppl but we could try to squish... your car is ok to squish. but also not sure whtehr alison and jaqueline wanna come too soooooooooo i dunno why i'm typing all this here but i'm excited for dor to come down yay yayayayay
know what i've never actually been to value village!
i can't believe it's 3:30 i'm not tired AT ALL i think it's because of the mocha blah. tmrw i'm going to take buckley's so i can get better. :( ... i'm gonna try and sleep now... the new layout is
Thursday, September 30, 2004
I guess you can say that the uni experience has been good so far, i'm glad my parents gave me the chance to live in res..and even if it is only for a year...cause I probably wouldn't be having as much fun otherwise.
hahahah jasy just play a card trick on me, and she got it to work and now shes jumping for joy..ahhaha maybe i should go lock her out now hehehehe
another good thing is that I can share about my 'life story/problems' without crying, and a way it's good..becuase i feel like the people i tell can know more of why i am like this or who i am more... yah, the only thing i have to work on getting the events in order :S
Okay..time to to you all very very very soon :D
Monday, September 27, 2004
and i've just started to realize it's the little things that i'm starting to miss first... the things that during high school wouldn't really mean that much....
like jasy said.. the staggering.... the accessibility... just having u guys there- even if it was just for a laugh.... it's the small things that i'm beginning to look for here in people i've met... and i can't find it...
*sigh*... in a very mellow mood
Monday, September 13, 2004
first off i'd like to say i miss you dor with all my heart
secondly yeah boys suck and GROSSSSSSS abotu the facil guy like ew! wtf...
i had my first class this morning .. it's baout life cycle and normal events which sounds kinda boring but it's actually super interesting and i'm actually excited to read the text and write my paper (i'm a nerd!)
there's a girl on our floor that i can't stand... but i'm trying to get over it just bedcuase.. i dunno.. i guess i jsut feel like a lot of things i've been doingare a super bad witness. such as being a bitch. lol
but gawd.. this girl is the goddess of annoyingness..
i just realized that if we're gonna talk baout ppl in here we should make code names lol jus like "old times" man... ok like two weeks ago old ;) ...
when are we gonna go visit carleton, jo and kat? and when are you coming down here dora?
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
Monday, August 02, 2004
china has been beautiful. for convenience sake i'm going to refer to mainland china as mchina and to hongkong as hk... it's easier that way.. that's how my trip has been seperated i guess.
i just got back from mchina a few hours ago... i stayed at my family's farming village for four days... those four days. i've been thinking a lot about it even while i was at my aunt's resort down in a different part of mchina for the past four days... i dunno if i'm going through some kind of mini-semi-culture shock but... i just can't get it out of my head. the lifestyle there is just really that different. and there are friendships i made there that i really treasure but, being frank with myself, will not be able to develop further. i guess i just came to appreciate the way things were there. and coming back to hk i'm really just not as psyched up as i was when i first arrived... but anyways hk is really fun too :) i just really miss it there in mm waa.
while i was at my aunt's resort in mchina which was really nice as well i had this sudden moment (as corny as it may seem) where i was sitting on the bed and just realized how incredibly much i've missed you all. i haven't had a spare moment since i got off the plane but pretty much the first dull moment i had to just sit and stare at the wall i thought of the three of you. how everything's changed right under my nose. i've been shopping and everything's changed. here's where this blog begins to truly mean so much to me.
anyways sorry. dora post/email your new addy. oh guys i got in to china101! and oh i'm sleeping over at dora's place the wknd of the 14th... i dunno about jo and kat's plans but before dora goes to ottawa, before frosh week, whateverwhatever... we gotta have a last kinda farewell thingy. i heard i missed dora's waterloo farewell party :P bummer. bleh.
anyways PLANPLANPLAN! BLOGBLOGBLOG... miss you girls with all my heart.
Thursday, July 29, 2004
As of right now......... i'm sitting here @ alex's "work"........ on a computer :D
it's the longest i've been on in like a WEEEEEEEEEK
i've been gone a WEEK and a few days. Can u believe it!?
been gone 9 days... exactly 2 weeks left before i come home : )
yea... hk has beennnnnnnnn interesting :P
the past week i've been running around like a chicken with it's head cut off :P because Heidi was only here one week overlapping with me....... we had to do all the "family" stuff in the past week....... soooooooo it's been really busy, hot and headachey. but..... nonetheless
the shopping is great, the food is great : )
miss you guys lots tho : ( sometimes........ even if you're in a great great place.... u can't help but miss home because of the company...
will see u guys soon tho : )
buying lots and lots of stuff : )
and yea.. jasy how's china!?
Friday, July 02, 2004
Monday, June 28, 2004
haaha those monkeys.... :P
things i learned over this week:
1. kreazeless is the only group of ppl we can all be stupid with, sing disney songs on the street with, fart at, sit on eachother's heads, and still totally love eachother at the end of it. mostly. haha :) what will i do in the fall? grow up? i think not.
2. we make fun of eachother alOT.
3. if we all lived together we'd kill eachoher within a month. ;)
Monday, June 21, 2004
hahahaha why am i up? i should be SLEEEEEEEEPING... actualyl... should be studying... but i'm way too excited about this being over......... *sigh*... my exam will be DONE by the time u guys wake up lol
but pray pray? yes yes : )
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Thursday, June 10, 2004
so.. i hope that made sense
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
this is a personal reflection and hence i'm not going to ramble on about how what you did to my friend was horrible, which it was, but what i will say is how dare you waste my time, how dare you hurt my friendship, how dare you make light of two people's emotions? and all for what? nothing. absolutely nothing. except MORE pain, MORE tears. you dont' deserve any of our friendships. you are seriously the lowest lifeform there is. i hope you spend prom night lying in a pool of dog piss coming to the understanding of how much of a jerk you are.
prom has really done nothing to me but make me feel ugly and unwanted, hurt my friendships, and disappoint me. but one good thing. just one. the knowledge and comfort that when it comes down to it, the four of us are still there for eachother. and we still do put eachother first. and if we all go single (except kat haha)or if we all go with hot dates, we will go with the full intention of having a blast with eachother and ending this year off with the biggest frickin bang you can possibly imagine, regardless of what hurt whoever has caused us. why? because we're kreazeless.
haha how corny. but it's true. you can't even put a 'crease' in our friendship.
damn. i have the best friends in the world.
but prom is supposed to be a time, where high school friends make memories.. one last time. to dress up, have fun, and just.... remember.
i think i've been punched in the gut one too many times over this prom business. this idea of "oooh i want a date" that's been instilled in my mind since day 1 has been the cause of my pain, the cause of the scattered pieces of my ego.
i think the thing that hurts the most is the fact that two people i trusted implicitly were the ones that took me down and threw me out. it was as if they picked me up, thought "awwww" then, looked again and was like "ewwww" and threw me away.
that hurt me. it hurt me deep.
i know i'll forgive.... and forget.... but i don't think i ever wanna go through prom ever again.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Friday, May 28, 2004
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Sunday, May 09, 2004
am i total bitch for saying that?... haha..
but seriously though... i know it's horrible, but it so seemed like something we would do...
along with the map of the cafeteria thing, which we've already done :P
"you're really pretty!"
"so you agree"
"you think you're really pretty."
Saturday, May 08, 2004
Friday, May 07, 2004
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Sunday, April 04, 2004
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
"you and kat are so different from jasy and dora... how can u guys really be best friends?"
what does that mean? like... how can we *really* be best friends? like you mean we can be partially best friends but not really? okay i dont' get it.
here's how. please add to the list as you think of ideas.
1. we stagger. friends stagger.
2. how incredibly boring would it be if we were all the exact same. SNORE.
3. if we were ALL assertive or ALL not assertive (for example) we would never get anything done.
4. we can all scream really loud. we have that in common.
5. we have a band i mean come on.
7. our differences compliment eachother. eg. one of us might have a better taste in clothes which can HELP echother, others a better work ethic, or a better knowledge of politics/sports/science/ etc etc etc etc... you get the point.
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
soooooooooooo............................... we're like... all single now..... and prom is approaching...............................
Monday, March 08, 2004
nce upon a time there has a young BUSINESS WOMAN named MAX BALLARD. He was UNCONTROLLABLY LAUGHING in the SILLY forest when he met HAPPY WILL TURNER, a run-away MARINE BIOLOGIST from the CONTENT Queen DORA.
MAX BALLARD could see that HAPPY WILL TURNER was hungry so he reached into his CUP and give him his DITZY STEAK. HAPPY WILL TURNER was thankful for MAX BALLARD's STEAK, so he told MAX BALLARD a very DISGUISTING story about Queen DORA's daughter KATHRYN. How her mother, the CONTENT Queen DORA, kept her locked away in a THEATER protected by a gigantic DOLPHIN, because KATHRYN was so SMART.
MAX BALLARD LAUGHED. He vowed to HAPPY WILL TURNER the MARINE BIOLOGIST that he would save the SMART KATHRYN. He would GIGGLE the DOLPHIN, and take KATHRYN far away from her eveil mother, the CONTENT Queen DORA, and WAVE her.
Then, all of the sudden, there was a FUNNY LIGHTNING and HAPPY WILL TURNER the MARINE BIOLOGIST began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic DOLPHIN from his story. CONTENT Queen DORA SMIRKED out from behind a TAPIOCA and struck MAX BALLARD dead. In the far off THEATER you could hear a BUZZ.
Sunday, March 07, 2004
nce upon a time there has a young SOCIAL WORKER named ORLANDO BLOOM. He was JOYFULLY PLAYING in the NICE forest when he met PRETTY LEGOLAS :D, a run-away PHYSIOTHERAPIST from the HOT Queen JASMINE.
ORLANDO BLOOM could see that PRETTY LEGOLAS :D was hungry so he reached into his BOX and give him his SAD DUMPLINGS. PRETTY LEGOLAS :D was thankful for ORLANDO BLOOM's DUMPLINGS, so he told ORLANDO BLOOM a very YUMMY story about Queen JASMINE's daughter JOANNA. How her mother, the HOT Queen JASMINE, kept her locked away in a CASTLE protected by a gigantic DRAGON, because JOANNA was so FUNNY.
ORLANDO BLOOM RAN. He vowed to PRETTY LEGOLAS :D the PHYSIOTHERAPIST that he would save the FUNNY JOANNA. He would DIE the DRAGON, and take JOANNA far away from her eveil mother, the HOT Queen JASMINE, and FLY her.
Then, all of the sudden, there was a HAPPY SNOW and PRETTY LEGOLAS :D the PHYSIOTHERAPIST began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic DRAGON from his story. HOT Queen JASMINE SAT out from behind a TREE and struck ORLANDO BLOOM dead. In the far off CASTLE you could hear a WHEE.
Saturday, March 06, 2004
kat-- accept the invitation to join it
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Thursday, February 26, 2004

msn conversation: ...edited by Jasmine Choi
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
hhahahha i've decided to not go into journalism
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
lol are you kdding?
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
but rather, getting a degree in the proper techniques of making out with a one mel gibson
PT says:
well.. for u.. u have to start with courses in geriatrics
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
and then after that i shall get my masters in making out with a one jim caviezel
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
me neither!!!
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
of COURSE i hafta be the first to admit aGAIN
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
i was going to wait until it became apparent of what it meant
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
"my publisher doesn't think ANYONE knows what senescence means... do you know what it means?"
PT says:
Geriatrics.. the care of old people
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
so trueeeeeeeee
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
HEY!! mel can only get better-looking and stronger with age
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
'tis what he has been doing
PT says:
so there is hope for me oto?
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
hmmmm maybe not so much
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
PT says:
i gave up years ago.. that's why i married an older woman... so i'll always be the younger looking one!
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
hahahahahahah but chris looks younger than you!!
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
PT says:
it's the stress of my job
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
yaaa THAT's it....
PT says:
how can i sleep properly every nite when i have to think about my teen girls wanting to sleep with a grandfather
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
this is so funny i'm posting it on kreazeless
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Sunday, February 15, 2004
it was... *ohhhh*kay....
on a scale of "funness" 1-10 i give it a 7
i'd say once again the "getting ready" and the "hype" was more fun than the actual thing... except for the very end of the getting ready eee... :P
well it was nice to spend time with friends anyways :)
especially some people who you know you're never going to see againa fter this year.
gonna get pictures up soon yayy (ps. don't put any NASTY or fat looking pictures of me on the net thankyou and please)
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
today: sorry about crankiness and all the "i dont' want to go to formal anymore" stuff..
i kind of don't. just because i'm disappointed abotu a lot of things that have to do with it... and because i find i have so much less to be psyched abotu than everyone else. i think the only the i was excited abotu was my hair. hence the flippage (sorry) .. i mena, no new dress, no date, no makeup, ... so yeah.
eeee. but i'm going. i mena, i wanna hang out with you guys and plus i (or rather alex) already bought my ticket :P
tomorrow: going to the ROM tomorrow so i won't be at lunchie la :P
Thursday, January 29, 2004
Monday, January 26, 2004
Sunday, January 25, 2004
so this started off as a blog about a certain guy who used to have a mohawk from waterloo collegiate. but as i begin to type, as my blood begins to boil ever more violently this is probably goign to turn into a rant about a bunch of different people.
so this guy said some stuff and whatever and i just... can't help but get kind of angry. just because of how i've been feeling lately in terms of friendships and being pushed aside and whatnot.
i'm not complaining abotu the situation (although i think he is stupid in it) as he may be joking or whatever so don't take it as it being abotu that. so he mentions something abotu getting to know new people blablabla. "what's wrong with getting to know new people?" well is there a reason that you're in a class with my friend and you haven't spoken a single word to her all year? is it because you're antisocial? or is it because you think you're too good for her. whatever. it's your loss. i hope on thenight of the formal the reason you dont' go is because you got your ugly skinny head run over by a truck.
PLUS just because people dont' go to ONE FRIGGIN SOCIAL EVENT doesn't mean they are ANTISOCIAL. it means they have BETTER things to do than sit around with a bunch of people they dont' even LIKE or kNOW. some people want to spend their time with people they actually care abotu doign things they actually enjoy.
OH and back to the MEETING people thing. i haven't seen you say ONE FRIGGING word to me since you started being so close with one of my best friends. actually you know WHAT? i'd have to say that i don't see ANYONE in that whole group even giving a crap about getting ot know me. with the exception of bk and hh who i actually like.
what you dont' think it fucking hurts that one of your best friends is hanging out with some other people now (which is totally fine) and the other people dont' even give a shit abotu getting to knwo you???? you dont' think it hurts when you sit down at our lunch table and talk to her abotu this event and that event that i wasn't even invited to that these people do not give a shit abotu what my fucking name is?!
well it does. it hurts. but you'll never read this so it doesnt' fucking matter does it?!?!
yeah. i'm really sure SHE is the one who is so horrible. i'm really sure SHE is the one who is making people feel so bad. i'm sure THEY missed out on her presence since they dont' know her. ugly poo fetish asshole.