Saturday, June 04, 2005

pssst... where is everyone?

i miss you guyyyyysssss well except for jo because i see her like every day :D yay!

dor: how's shanghai?... any prospects of the opposite gender? haha... how's the family how's everythingg.g... when exactly are you coming back?

guess what guys ? i may have alreayd told you but i'm telling you again... :D ... i met the cuuuuuutest guy in history the other day.. *swoon* hahaha he had GREY eyes with a hintttt of blue and dimples and had surferish kinda look :D and he was so nice and he talked to me and hah yeah i'm a loser

but it was very exciting.

anyways we must chill once we're all back in ontario...

and i htink i'm gonna give this place a makeover...