Monday, June 28, 2004

i can't believe we finally made it to the zoo!
haaha those monkeys.... :P
things i learned over this week:

1. kreazeless is the only group of ppl we can all be stupid with, sing disney songs on the street with, fart at, sit on eachother's heads, and still totally love eachother at the end of it. mostly. haha :) what will i do in the fall? grow up? i think not.

2. we make fun of eachother alOT.

3. if we all lived together we'd kill eachoher within a month. ;)

Monday, June 21, 2004

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! don't ask why i'm up. i don't even know! it's 6:30AM!!!! and my HIGH SCHOOL CAREER is officially over in 4 hrs. PRAY FOR ME GIRLS!!!!! *EEEEEEEEEEEEK* JO IS FREAKING OUT O_O
hahahaha why am i up? i should be SLEEEEEEEEPING... actualyl... should be studying... but i'm way too excited about this being over......... *sigh*... my exam will be DONE by the time u guys wake up lol
but pray pray? yes yes : )

Saturday, June 19, 2004

yay girlies
tuuuuuunes!: Start Angry, End Mad by Moneen hahaha htis is such a great song

thanks to ebri for hosting the song for us! :D

Thursday, June 10, 2004

WHy is it that the person( guys) who do something so ridiculous nad selfish are the ones who we least expect them from. All i know is taht you guys are awesome, beautiful, smart individuals and if guys are just too stupid to see that, it's their loss NOT yours and when they finally reazlie what htey have done or they haven't done, it would already be too late, cause you guys have found someone/something better. Prom is overated adn guys are just jerks, but most importantly, I love you all.

so.. i hope that made sense

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

it was imagined to be the highlight of our highschool lives, the grande finale to this four year opus, what it is, is a disappointment. what gets to me is the pointlessness of it all. how you rejected me, proceeded to ask one of my best friends, and then after hour upon hour of soaking my notes and smearing my telephone in tears, a headache of stepping back and forth in indecision, resentment between close friends, and painful reconciliation-- you tell her you dont' want to go with her anymore.

this is a personal reflection and hence i'm not going to ramble on about how what you did to my friend was horrible, which it was, but what i will say is how dare you waste my time, how dare you hurt my friendship, how dare you make light of two people's emotions? and all for what? nothing. absolutely nothing. except MORE pain, MORE tears. you dont' deserve any of our friendships. you are seriously the lowest lifeform there is. i hope you spend prom night lying in a pool of dog piss coming to the understanding of how much of a jerk you are.

prom has really done nothing to me but make me feel ugly and unwanted, hurt my friendships, and disappoint me. but one good thing. just one. the knowledge and comfort that when it comes down to it, the four of us are still there for eachother. and we still do put eachother first. and if we all go single (except kat haha)or if we all go with hot dates, we will go with the full intention of having a blast with eachother and ending this year off with the biggest frickin bang you can possibly imagine, regardless of what hurt whoever has caused us. why? because we're kreazeless.
haha how corny. but it's true. you can't even put a 'crease' in our friendship.

damn. i have the best friends in the world.
i think prom brings out the worst in people. the romantic people become even more mushy and yucky and romantic. the single people become vicious in finding a date. the people with dates are vicious in trying to keep them. and all girls are going insane trying to find a dress unique enough so no one else gets the same one.

but prom is supposed to be a time, where high school friends make memories.. one last time. to dress up, have fun, and just.... remember.

i think i've been punched in the gut one too many times over this prom business. this idea of "oooh i want a date" that's been instilled in my mind since day 1 has been the cause of my pain, the cause of the scattered pieces of my ego.

i think the thing that hurts the most is the fact that two people i trusted implicitly were the ones that took me down and threw me out. it was as if they picked me up, thought "awwww" then, looked again and was like "ewwww" and threw me away.

that hurt me. it hurt me deep.

i know i'll forgive.... and forget.... but i don't think i ever wanna go through prom ever again.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

oh my goodness.. can you guys believe it's june?
four years pass by in the blink of an eye!

ew ryan lynch is sitting at the computer across from me
excuse me while i go throw up now.