Wednesday, December 15, 2004

christmas is coming soooon
tooo bad that kat is going to bc
tooo bad that dora lives in vaughan now.
tooo bad that jo and i live in waterloo.

....i don't even know the point of this. but i wanna hang out with the three of you right NOW. however, we're in the middle of exams. dora is in ottawa.

it's jsut been too long.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

this song brings back memories.... boy do i miss that summer.

Sweet Mercies

It's our confession, Lord,
That we are weak,
So very weak, but you are strong.
And though we've nothing, Lord,
To lay at your feet,
We come to your feet And say, "Help us along."

A broken heart and a contrite spirit
You have yet to deny.
Your heart of mercy
Beats with love's strong current.
Let the river flow,
By your Spirit now, Lord we cry.

Let your mercies fall from heaven,
Sweet mercies flow from heaven.
New mercies for today,
Shower them down, Lord, as we pray.

Friday, December 03, 2004

where is everyone?

finals time... destress.