msn conversation: ...edited by Jasmine Choi
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
hhahahha i've decided to not go into journalism
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
lol are you kdding?
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
but rather, getting a degree in the proper techniques of making out with a one mel gibson
PT says:
well.. for u.. u have to start with courses in geriatrics
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
and then after that i shall get my masters in making out with a one jim caviezel
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
me neither!!!
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
of COURSE i hafta be the first to admit aGAIN
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
i was going to wait until it became apparent of what it meant
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
"my publisher doesn't think ANYONE knows what senescence means... do you know what it means?"
PT says:
Geriatrics.. the care of old people
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
so trueeeeeeeee
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
HEY!! mel can only get better-looking and stronger with age
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
'tis what he has been doing
PT says:
so there is hope for me oto?
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
hmmmm maybe not so much
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
PT says:
i gave up years ago.. that's why i married an older woman... so i'll always be the younger looking one!
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
hahahahahahah but chris looks younger than you!!
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
PT says:
it's the stress of my job
Changerbanger ~ no more spider solitaire: day 2 says:
yaaa THAT's it....
PT says:
how can i sleep properly every nite when i have to think about my teen girls wanting to sleep with a grandfather
moomoobear- no chips, chocolate, and grudges held. [39] says:
this is so funny i'm posting it on kreazeless